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Casino royale ft. Georgia

2 participants
Beckett Reeves
légère suspicion

Beckett Reeves

saisons : 27 ans
occupation : Barman au casino
myocarde : Pansexuel, célibataire, opportuniste
miroir : Casino royale ft. Georgia Tumblr_p5ywh3AW5D1rn0sgro2_640
faciès & artiste : Ross Lynch; beautyhurtsmore - sign;awonaa - icons;signfromgod
victimes : 198

Tuesdays aren’t the busiest of days. There are always people here, addiction runs deep in these parts of town but you know that on the weekend, there are also the non-addicted people coming, those who simply want a bit of fun and games, no strings attached.
It saddens you, at times, not that you really care, but being a bartender means getting a real deep look on the faces of these people. You see their sorrow, their worry, you hear their stories and mostly think that it’s better on your side of the counter.
New faces are rare on Tuesdays, which is why you’re always on the lookout for them. You don’t want to hook up with old Reginald over there, who is always sitting on the same stool and looking at you like a creep. You also don’t want to deal with Helen, who talks and talks and talks about her dead husband. But you still smile your smile and go with the conversation, just to be polite, and get some good tips.

So yeah, Tuesdays are boring but she is not. You’ve never seen her before, you’d have remembered. Young people are rare, tiny young blondes are rarer still. She sits at the bar and you wait a bit to go to her. Rule number 1, don’t make yourself too readily available. You can’t wait forever though, if you want good tips so, a minute or two are enough. You make your way over, plaster on your best smile and say « hey there, Georgeous, what can I get you? »

en français s’il vous plait:

Georgia Darling
aucune suspicion

Georgia Darling

saisons : Hot Girl Summer all the way / 26 ans
occupation : Smut Author Extraordinaire - Julia Quinn si Lord Bridgerton avait des tentacules et une salive aphrodisiaque
myocarde : En rehab après un abus sévère de Men in Finance,Trust Fund, 6'5, blue eyes
miroir : Casino royale ft. Georgia 8898d2641cc3019db974fc175542a4578e5a9619
faciès & artiste : Sabrina Carpenter - etangsnrs qui a tellement de talent que j'ai même pas besoin de voir le visage de mon fc pour que ce soit l'avatar le plus magnifique ever. Talent +1200000
victimes : 498

Casino Royal

❝A Negroni. Sbagliato. With Prosecco in it.❞

Georgia is on a mission. An important one - important enough that, passing through the mirrored hall she forgot to check herself out, opting instead to silently thank the bored clerk who did it for her.
Essential workers are the backbone of our society - as would say her trust fund senior manager aunt never.
The casino is classy with a somewhat balmy feel that fits perfectly with the seaside theme - only a few regulars, dressed in loose whites and chill wear, puttering around and about, losing money.
It doesn’t really match with what she had in mind; something dark and sharp, all about that obscene luxury mood with a side dish of mysteriously enticing but she can work on that. She’ll just have to binge watch some James Bond or Ocean’s Eleven.
What she’s here for though ? Can’t be found on the internet. Real world real work grind, baby.
Languidly walking to the bar, taking the time to take in the unfamiliar faces - older folks, nothing that could make an interesting character (and she knows some regulars of hers keep on asking for an older romance novel but she really can’t get behind it and not see some premature balding head), she ends up perching herself on one of the high stools.
Work seems slow but the barman is diligent - piling up stacks of glasses and doing all of that unknown ballet of menial tasks she knows nothing of, coming up to her once done as she’s subtly eyeing some old lady’s impressive rock on her ring finger.

Where’s the hubby madam, and did he dive after a wrecked ship to give it back to you ?

« Hey there, Georgeous, what can I get you? »
Mhh. So the usual flirty bar banter gets around even there, good to know.
She answers the greeting in kind, voice warm enough to display openness – now is not the time to spook the cute barman by looking unapprochable.
« I think I'll go for a Vodka Martini, fits with the scene » Perfect for a James Bond mood.

Observing as he works – the ease with which he grabs bottles, glass and ice, pours and stirs , and oh, she forgot to ask for shaken, not stirred, too bad – she lets the comment slide, small talk wrapped in genuine interest – not innocent maybe
« You seem well-practiced. Been working for long ? » She couldn’t ask a newbie, that wouldn’t do. She needed expert hands to put her hopes in.

« Hands on the shaker, deft, long fingers wrapped in a firm hold, nearly encasing the whole ustensil. Her eyes glued on them, she couldn’t help but feel their phantom caress and the burning intensity of his eyes on her… »

Yeahhhh that shit was gonna write itself up no problem

The French:

Beckett Reeves
légère suspicion

Beckett Reeves

saisons : 27 ans
occupation : Barman au casino
myocarde : Pansexuel, célibataire, opportuniste
miroir : Casino royale ft. Georgia Tumblr_p5ywh3AW5D1rn0sgro2_640
faciès & artiste : Ross Lynch; beautyhurtsmore - sign;awonaa - icons;signfromgod
victimes : 198

« I think I'll go for a Vodka Martini, fits with the scene » she says and that takes you aback a little. « What scene? » You wonder, « pain and misery ? » you add as you glance at Helen. Weird choice of words but eh.
You focus on making her her drink, add your stuff and work your magic as you try not to gag at the presence of olives. To each his own should have a limit, but what wouldn’t you do for a pretty face. « There you go, darling, » you say as you set the glass before her.
She doesn’t seem like the type to come to such places, especially alone. Pretty girls like that usually come with men or girlfriends. There have been so many bachelorette trips and parties, so many girls who swore faithfulness a couple days after fucking him and probably also half the town. Marriage isn’t what it was anymore. She’s not old enough to come by just out of boredom so it really is a bit of a mystery. This job has made you curious, you know it, it may not be great but it is what it is.
« Why thank you, »
you answer the compliment with your Flynn Rider smile, « I am, in more ways than one, » you let the innuendo slide through your lips, as you do. « But to answer your question, I’ve been here a couple years but I was bartending before, back home. » Might be she works at another place and came to check up the competition. Classic industrial espionnage. It always adds a bit a spice. « In the states, if you couldn’t tell » you add, your accent is a dead giveaway and pretty popular with the ladies, and the gentlemen, although they are usually less impressed. Or just don’t show it.
 « You working in the field? » now that you’re looking at her, really looking at her, she doesn’t seem like the type, but you never know and you want to see where this could go, so, playing along it is.


Georgia Darling
aucune suspicion

Georgia Darling

saisons : Hot Girl Summer all the way / 26 ans
occupation : Smut Author Extraordinaire - Julia Quinn si Lord Bridgerton avait des tentacules et une salive aphrodisiaque
myocarde : En rehab après un abus sévère de Men in Finance,Trust Fund, 6'5, blue eyes
miroir : Casino royale ft. Georgia 8898d2641cc3019db974fc175542a4578e5a9619
faciès & artiste : Sabrina Carpenter - etangsnrs qui a tellement de talent que j'ai même pas besoin de voir le visage de mon fc pour que ce soit l'avatar le plus magnifique ever. Talent +1200000
victimes : 498

Casino Royale

❝A Negroni. Sbagliato. With Prosecco in it.❞

What scene ? Pain and misery ?

Not gonna lie, she’s a bit surprised. By the missed reference  - “You know, Casino Royale ?
James Bond’s “Shaken not stirred” - voice lower and rougher in a vague approximation of a brooding British gentleman, “and a lethal inescapable attraction ? ” - another type of low, bit dramatic and amused, although towards herself - but mostly by the comment.
She lets her gaze follow his, ending up on the woman with the giant rock on her finger mumbling to herself, or to whatever she’s seeing at the bottom of her glass.
Well. That certainly doesn’t fit the fantasy. As she thanks him for the drink, he goes on, showing off a charming smile she’d see on a rakish heartthrob of a protagonist without any issue. Her eyes turn a bit knowing, in a conniving way as the innuendo passes in that unmistakable American accent that always makes her think of cowboys throwing hay and, simultaneously, of beach blond surfers tasting of salt.

A couple of years of experience - good enough.

Tip of her index lightly tapping the foot of her glass, no sound coming from the manicured fingers - she’s no barn animal - a cute 3D strawberry nail art matching the pinkish hue of her lip tint, she doesn’t bother hiding the pleased drawl in her tone.

Mh. Somehow, I could tell.

His work experience ?
His American ancestry ?
His other well-practiced skills ?

You working in the field ?

It doesn’t sound like such a stretch. She’s pretty, she’s flirty. Sociable. Appropriately slutty. If she could see above the bar she’d have made bank.

Glass picked and raised, the shadow of a smile gracing her lips until now sours just like the odd mix of vodka and martini “Is this what toxic masculinity tastes like ?
Raising her gaze to meet his, eyes minutely widened in mock betrayal - hand on her chest like a cheated suburban mom, in an almost terribly hurt disbelief  “How could you let me order something like that ?

Monstrosity put back down and cocktail skewer plucked to salvage an olive at least - plopped into her mouth, she twirls the tiny stick between her fingers with an expertise born of countless hours of boring lessons.
Leaning forward, in a coquettish simile of a conspiratorial exchange, and not after a glance towards the rest of the bar:

No, you see, I’m more of an… investigator.”  Lower lip briefly worried, face the image of a pretty please with a cherry on top, she goes on, “Maybe you could help with a few questions of mine ?

It’s not even a lie. She’s retired, yes. But she did have a business stalking married men for rich housewives, to quell their anxiety or fill their folios of concrete evidence before court day.
Too bad Avery and her had to stop because the men kept on disappearing. And maybe also because she ended up cheating with one of them but it was not the point.
Point was: she is an investigator. If only of Truth and Slutty Books Ideas.

I did get quite the shock to my delicate palate.”  
Index pointing to a shameless pout. Pretty and pitiful enough to make saints weep.

She gets the feeling he can play in kind.

The French:

Beckett Reeves
légère suspicion

Beckett Reeves

saisons : 27 ans
occupation : Barman au casino
myocarde : Pansexuel, célibataire, opportuniste
miroir : Casino royale ft. Georgia Tumblr_p5ywh3AW5D1rn0sgro2_640
faciès & artiste : Ross Lynch; beautyhurtsmore - sign;awonaa - icons;signfromgod
victimes : 198

You look at her raised glass and see the change on her face immediately. You may not know your crime movies, as more of a Star Wars type of guy, but you know your cocktails and this, this ain’t it.
You can’t help but chuckle at the question. « Regular martinis taste like mom but vodka martinis do taste like asshole, figuratively of course », you answer. « I only advice the clients when they ask, otherwise it’s inappropriate and bad for business, that’s what my old boss used to say all the time ». You remember with the sigh those harsh harsh times trying to bartend, learn cocktail recipes by the million and also have a life.
Investigator huh. You’re tempted to ask if she is not a cop, by any chance, but that would give suspicious and that is probably also very bad for business. You get the feeling she would make quite the investigator though, probably able to get anything out of anyone with a smile and a bat of her eyelashes. Which you know, because you also do it, for tips though, most of the time at least. « I could help but I’ll need something in exchange, some things if the questions are really difficult or could get me in trouble, it’s only fair, right? » You ask with a smile, because two can play this game and they can do it all night long.
« For starters, you can try something for me. I’ve been trying to come up with new recipes, and my palate only goes so far. » Which is true, your most favorite thing is probably when clients say « surprise me » and mean it.  « Just give me a minute », the magic is worked with rum, blackberry liqueur, lime juice, syrup and some basil for a bit of green. « I call this the midnight muse, » you say as you set the glass in front of her, « maybe the name will really mean something after tonight, » you give her the flirtiest of the smiles, and look down to her eyes as you wonder aloud about what she truly wants.

oui oui baguette :

Georgia Darling
aucune suspicion

Georgia Darling

saisons : Hot Girl Summer all the way / 26 ans
occupation : Smut Author Extraordinaire - Julia Quinn si Lord Bridgerton avait des tentacules et une salive aphrodisiaque
myocarde : En rehab après un abus sévère de Men in Finance,Trust Fund, 6'5, blue eyes
miroir : Casino royale ft. Georgia 8898d2641cc3019db974fc175542a4578e5a9619
faciès & artiste : Sabrina Carpenter - etangsnrs qui a tellement de talent que j'ai même pas besoin de voir le visage de mon fc pour que ce soit l'avatar le plus magnifique ever. Talent +1200000
victimes : 498

Casino Royale

❝A Negroni. Sbagliato. With Prosecco in it.❞

The disappointed pout wears off as the confirmation comes that yes - it’s not her palate, it really is one of those drinks you get to pretend you’re someone and not to actually - gasp - enjoy your drink.
Still, James Bond sold it so well - or maybe it was only Daniel Craig, that this shit will get hiiiigh on her list of “Consumables i thought would taste better than they did because the media lied to us.”

With a sad slight head shake, she agrees “Yeah, people tend to dislike when their horrendous tastes are questioned. Weird.”

The barman agreeing is no big surprise - as conceited as it might sound, things tend to work out in her favor when faced with MenTM (not all Men but most Men and in the end it really is All Men, despite crusty ignorant asses).
Can it get yucky pretty fast ? Yes.
But not there. Not yet at least.
Asking for something in return isn’t new either - not even when it involves alcohol, but somehow, it doesn’t feel unsafe.
She might be unable to read people, a bit blinded by the smile - who knows.

A beat of consideration - not long enough to vex, not short enough to be completely devoid of any survival instinct - and she agrees.
Not without some comment, musing aloud with clear entertainment in her tone. “”For starters” when I haven’t even asked anything yet… Am I being scammed into free alcohol ?

"Just give me a minute"

As she holds back an easy “You can ask for way more than that, darling” - almost forgetting she is the Darling here, and oh, she can’t wait to be an old woman in her like, forties, and be able to purr ridiculous things to poor staff without social shame - she uses his distraction to subtly text Avery.

At the casino gathering info
Getting unnamed unknown free drinks
If no reply in 1h i might b dead
Barman cute tho

In that many messages of course.
More than two lines in a text from Georgia and it might as well spell out that she’s being possessed.

Phone dropped back in her tiny purse, she can get a good look at the drink put down in front of her. A bit dark but a nice rich color and a slight sour tang in the air. Clearly doesn’t taste like asshole.
Looking up at the outrageous flirt, to be welcomed with the sight of an even flirtier smile - and maybe she’s getting why Helen keeps on coming back here, even if it’s to mourn her dead husband between shots of strong liquor, the view might still help.

Flatterer. It’s working.” Too well even, really.
She could come by another time.
Ask her questions to someone else. There’s another barmaid at the end of the bar. Surely she would help a sister out, right ?
She doesn’t need to make it weird with this one.

Focus, Darling.
She has a purpose. A holy mission. Her lifework is at stake.

The pleased smile stays on as she tastes the cocktail - tangy, a bit like a higher end version of an energy drink almost - or, her palate has been ruined many uni years ago, killed by her dream sponsorship from Monster and years of dubious keg stand stops.

It’s quite nice. A bit sharper in taste than what I usually go for, but it sets a mood.”  As an artist, the vibes are important.

She stirs the cocktail with her decorative barspoon, turned upside down, the flat round part dunked between the chunks of ice, watching as the cubes clink around.

You know, it would be the perfect moment to set up some kind of blind cocktail dates. You register, fill out some information sheet about yourself, likes and dislikes in people and cocktails, the big no-no’s and what you’re looking for - doesn’t live in his mom’s basement, 6’5, no gin but something fizzy - and you get a cocktail made out of all of that. A deep scientific analysis later and you get paired up with another stranger as you come in.
So even if all conversations are a bore, you get the egocentric pleasure of knowing what type of drink your personality inspires. A real life buzzfeed quiz.

Damn, she should go to Shark Tank with her idea.
Eyes on the bag, come on.

Could have many couples forming.” She stirs again, looking up and away from the deep shimmer of the drink, “Wouldn’t that be fun ?”.
Delicately taking the barspoon out of her glass, lips wrapping around the flat end to avoid any drops spilling on the counter - can’t give more work to the poor souls ! - she takes it out of her mouth before going on - never with your mouth full, Georgia ! - a knowing smirk close by “Do you get many of those ? Couples getting a bit.. frisky ?”

The French:

Beckett Reeves
légère suspicion

Beckett Reeves

saisons : 27 ans
occupation : Barman au casino
myocarde : Pansexuel, célibataire, opportuniste
miroir : Casino royale ft. Georgia Tumblr_p5ywh3AW5D1rn0sgro2_640
faciès & artiste : Ross Lynch; beautyhurtsmore - sign;awonaa - icons;signfromgod
victimes : 198

“Flatterer. It’s working,” she says and your reply is a simple “I know,” and a smile. You’re used to working with people, you’re also used to working people. And that may just be your favorite part of the job. “Glad you liked it,” you add after she tried your creation. This might be your second favorite part of the job. Which is why you’re bartending and not simply waiting tables. You don’t particularly pride yourself as being someone who is incredibly creative, but you like to have fun and to try new things, so you do.

You can help but chuckle as she explains her ideas. “That sounds like fun,” you say and it does. You’ve seen enough clients to see how you could figure certain things out from shared cocktails tastes, for sure. “6’5 though, ain’t that a bit much for you?” The Americanism slips out, easy as anything. God you miss it so much sometimes, and you haven’t been here for that long but nothing beats the fiery blaze of the Arizona desert.  “It would be fine for me but, you definitely seem to be part of the below 6 feet team.” And even for you, 6’5 might be a stretch, literally. “I’m sure you could submit your ideas to the owner, might work. He’s partial to nice smiles, I can attest to that.” You’ve managed to get extra sick days with a nice smile and the big brown eyes trick. Works like a charm. Maybe the people who say you have no morals are actually right, but whatever. Having no morals means you don’t care, so there’s that.

The question takes you aback a little. You wonder what kind of investigation she is leading. Chances are she’s some sort of PI looking for a cheating husband or wife, or both. “You get your occasional hand under the skirt kind of thing,” mostly at the booths, but isn’t that what they were invented for, really? “The bathrooms have seen some things, probably.” Definitely, you’ve been there yourself.  “I have some stories, but I swear I don’t kiss and tell and I may or may not be involved in those so, maybe you should stay and see for yourself.” You get away for a minute, because Helen is asking for a drink and as you advice her to get home already, you try to convince yourself it’s for her own good and not so you can focus your whole attention of the pretty PI.

oui oui baguette :

Georgia Darling
aucune suspicion

Georgia Darling

saisons : Hot Girl Summer all the way / 26 ans
occupation : Smut Author Extraordinaire - Julia Quinn si Lord Bridgerton avait des tentacules et une salive aphrodisiaque
myocarde : En rehab après un abus sévère de Men in Finance,Trust Fund, 6'5, blue eyes
miroir : Casino royale ft. Georgia 8898d2641cc3019db974fc175542a4578e5a9619
faciès & artiste : Sabrina Carpenter - etangsnrs qui a tellement de talent que j'ai même pas besoin de voir le visage de mon fc pour que ce soit l'avatar le plus magnifique ever. Talent +1200000
victimes : 498

Casino Royale

❝A Negroni. Sbagliato. With Prosecco in it.❞

It’s nice, having people recognize her talent, when it is unfairly scorned in so many places. It’s not the talent she tries to hone but, as they say, beggars can’t be choosers. Thankfully she is no beggar and she can choose. Even unreasonably tall men with commitment issues. Which is why she asks, very demure, very mindful, no afterthought, no innuendo, barely a dreamy sigh in sight  “Can’t a girl dream big ?
Honestly, she didn’t mean herself per se about that 6’5 ft dream - she’s aware of her height and her dream status for short kings, allowing them the scarce and how so sacred gift of feeling tall - but who could deny her those wishes except herself ?
Her father probably - but he wasn’t there to judge.
And, let’s be realistic, if cryptids were out in the wild, of course, they would have some humanoid form with some ridiculous height.
A 5’9 vampire ? Please be for real.
Some cursed, woodland creature, with a skull of moss and gigantic antlers of the most immaculate deep dried bone ? Very obviously over 6’5.
And well, let’s say love always finds a way. She doesn’t discriminate.
Trying to keep them all for yourself, I see.” She can excuse him, she supposes. The accent helps.
It might prove to be a problem, though, if he is aiming that high because no amount of heeled boots in the world can change that for her.

She offers her own pretty smile in answer, “I’ll think about this submitting idea”, mirth shared between the wording and the face her mother would make if she were to ask about buying parts in a casino to implement her business idea.
Uncle Archie would understand. He’d invest. Call it entreprenariat, perfect accent and all.

She notices his surprise, but he goes on and, really, there is nothing she finds more attractive in a man than simply barrelling on despite what she said, usually out of nowhere, answering her questions without asking his.
And it’s useful information at that !

She knew of the groping thing, obviously - sometimes you get a bit ahead of yourself, ahead of the cab you’re waiting for and things get started ! Very common booth etiquette.
The restroom tidbit didn’t surprise her much either. Every sort of thing happened in there - moments of beautiful pure sorority, BJs, accidents, and even marriage proposals - she heard some stories, some where she might have starred but if you had no proof and she didn’t remember, then, how could you prove anything ?

There was proof. A video of her, crying in a restroom after said marriage proposal, sobbing because now and forever, until the day she died, her first proposal- and when the night got really dark, she feared it might be her only - had taken place in the bathroom of an overpriced cocktail bar.

And, she might be giving credit to stereotypes but the staff was at least witness to this stuff or a lenient accomplice, if not straight up guilty.
All in all, nothing new under the sun.
And yet she had doubted herself.

All because of LadyPussPuss69, that goddamn hater.

She could hear many critics about her craft, accept some, even - but unrealisticness ?
Certainly not.
She documented everything, made careful research, was probably spied on by secret services for what she had stumbled upon on the internet, and digged every musty dusty book out of their home library.
She was dedicated.
She was thorough.
If she told you garlic didn’t work, it didn’t work. If she told you that magical humanoid skeletons would have an ectoplasmic dick and very sensitive bones, they would.
And now LadyPussPuss69 wanted to come for her about public sex scenes ?? This mundane ridiculous thing ?? Public bathroom sex, even ??

Not on her watch.

The handsome barman, currently busy - maybe he did have to work at work ! who knew - she left a fifty on the counter under her glass and grabbed her purse before getting off the stool.
She maintained 6’5 was a very feasible feat but whatever.
The bathroom sign an easy find, she walked along the curve of the bar, politely inserting herself in the conversation on her way there as she reached the pair. “Sorry to interrupt” Leaning with a polite smile on, and damn, up close that diamond was huge, she innocently went on “Bill is paid. If anything’s missing, maybe a pretty smile can excuse your absence ?”  Surely, he knew better than anyone how to work his boss.
Wishing a good evening to the very lucky widow,  she took a few steps back, holding eye contact as she unsuccessfully tried to bite back a smile before fully turning around and making her way.

A two player game was always more fun, but she could play solo.

Quick look around upon arrival, no shoes to be seen under the doors, all locks green.

She had some acoustics to check.

LadyPussPuss69 was gonna regret ever getting on the internet.

The French:

Beckett Reeves
légère suspicion

Beckett Reeves

saisons : 27 ans
occupation : Barman au casino
myocarde : Pansexuel, célibataire, opportuniste
miroir : Casino royale ft. Georgia Tumblr_p5ywh3AW5D1rn0sgro2_640
faciès & artiste : Ross Lynch; beautyhurtsmore - sign;awonaa - icons;signfromgod
victimes : 198

“I know sweetie,” you tell Helen with as much compassion as you can find in yourself. It’s not that you don’t care, exactly. It’s just that it’s been a while and it’s a lot sometimes. And you have other fish to fry.
“Let me get you some water,” you tell her as you move around to get her a fresh glass. As you come back with a polite “there you go,” so does Barbie PI. “Thanks,” you answer her as Helen wishes her a drunk and disorderly great evening. As she goes though, her gaze doesn’t leave yours and her smile spells mischief better than any alphabet could. It’s intriguing to say the least. You know this isn’t a hook up type of situation, but she did kind of seem inviting.

You leave Helen for a second as you check PI’s glass and the 50 bill that’s sitting under it. Way too much for a drink and a couple of questions but maybe she’s paying for what’s yet to come.

You let a couple minutes pass before your curiosity gets the best of you. “Hey Nick,” you call on your server, “I have to check on something for a couple of minutes, can you hold the fort for me?” you ask and of course Nick says yes, because why wouldn’t he, honestly? “You saw that blonde woman right? If I don’t come back tell the cops it was all her,” you add, as a joke, kind of. You are nothing if not careful. About your own life at least.

You make your way to the bathroom, the familiarity of it always striking. “Hey, blondie,” you call out, realizing you don’t even know her name yet and she could be literally anyone. “You okay in there?” you ask as you see her doing god knows what. “Is this part of your investigation? I ain’t gonna lie to you, a lot of people have asked me a lot of questions but no one’s ever had to check the bathroom.” Which was probably more surprising than not, considering, but eh.

Georgia Darling
aucune suspicion

Georgia Darling

saisons : Hot Girl Summer all the way / 26 ans
occupation : Smut Author Extraordinaire - Julia Quinn si Lord Bridgerton avait des tentacules et une salive aphrodisiaque
myocarde : En rehab après un abus sévère de Men in Finance,Trust Fund, 6'5, blue eyes
miroir : Casino royale ft. Georgia 8898d2641cc3019db974fc175542a4578e5a9619
faciès & artiste : Sabrina Carpenter - etangsnrs qui a tellement de talent que j'ai même pas besoin de voir le visage de mon fc pour que ce soit l'avatar le plus magnifique ever. Talent +1200000
victimes : 498

Casino Royale

❝A Negroni. Sbagliato. With Prosecco in it.❞

The restroom looked like a restroom.
Kinda cleaner than what she expected - but then it was still early and not a busy evening. Mirrors mounted on the walls sent her back a wink and a blowing kiss as she looked around for details she must have missed if some malevolent witch of the internet was to be believed.
Her heels were clacking on the floor, the sound sharp and crisp, heightened by the emptiness of the place.

Mmmmhh the room was isolated enough that sound couldn’t travel that far - and yet, she wouldn’t say it was remote per se, the far end of the bar not so distant.
Had there been more animation, could she hear what was going on there ? Keeping still, she strained her ears, hoping for some american accent or slurred words in the most drunken british fashion - in vain.
That could compromise any public sex scene and kink she’d try implementing.

Sound: Not that conclusive, needs more testing.
Next to; sturdiness.

The door of one of the stalls opened, no creepy creak - always a plus, she wasn’t aiming for sexy horror with this one, she stepped into the enclosed space, closing the door behind her. Arms spread to evaluate the width - adequate ? But then again it would depend on whom you were inside with. Ugh
Why was it so difficult ? And she forgot her tape-measure. The world was against her and LadyPuss69 was its Horseperson of The Apocalypse.

Maybe if she climbed on the toilet’s seat and then got to the door, surely she’d be close to the 2 meters ish of her eldritch sexy monstrosity ?
Now, all she had to do was not to slip and end up with her feet or anything in the toilet bowl - or else, or else, God forbid, but something terrible would happen.

Held on her forearms on the very top of the door - not that difficult, turns out years of cheerleading and gymnastics do have their use, she hears before she sees the barman coming in.

Sound: Not too bad. Yet to be sure
Sturdiness: Can hold her weight but what about some pounding ?

The bathroom stall couldn’t fall on her protagonists fucking.

Fancy seeing you there.” He did come back ! She wouldn’t have bet on it. Maybe the Lord was done testing her, finally handing her some easy way out.
Peachy.” P popping as she dropped back down on the floor, heels hitting the floor neatly, opening the door and exiting the stall to slowly eye him with interest now that she had a full view.
How tall are you already, love ?” As if he ever told her. Gaze sharpening slightly, an interested tinge of something in them, she came closer.
And how difficult would it be to back you up against one of those doors ?

"For investigation purposes, obviously. I'm trying to get a sense of... what could happen in there without being discovered." It certainly was a way of saying - "I'm trying to see if a 2 meters, few hundreds kilograms eldritch monster could fuck some human lady in there and not get caught but still - be at risk of getting caugh because she had some voyeurism kink the size of the state of Georgia ?"

I won’t ask much, no worries. I’m more about practical courses.

The French:

Beckett Reeves
légère suspicion

Beckett Reeves

saisons : 27 ans
occupation : Barman au casino
myocarde : Pansexuel, célibataire, opportuniste
miroir : Casino royale ft. Georgia Tumblr_p5ywh3AW5D1rn0sgro2_640
faciès & artiste : Ross Lynch; beautyhurtsmore - sign;awonaa - icons;signfromgod
victimes : 198

You hear her voice coming through one of the stalls and she seems okay which is good, at least. There was a sound like she jumped down on the floor which was weird, arguably but then the door opened and there she was. Tiny now that he could see her up close, but beautiful and so very intriguing. The questions made you laugh a little. Bold was another adjective that could be added to the list. You didn’t even know her name but you think it’d be easy to describe her to someone and have that person know exactly who you were talking about. You never considered yourself a giant, a good 6’0 without shoes, mind you but you had a full head on her, she was wearing heels.

You could tell it wasn’t a “let’s hookup in the bathroom” situation. You’d been in your fair share of bathrooms but she seemed fancier than that. That didn’t mean she wasn’t flirting, exactly.

“6 feet,” you answered after a beat. “And I think it wouldn’t be that difficult. I’ve been told I’m easy to manhandle.” It wasn’t a lie, as long as you wanted to be manhandled it was very easy to do so. If you didn’t, that may be another story. But that didn’t happen too often, so.

“Are you investigating a cheating husband or something?” you asked. You couldn’t imagine a crime investigation that would put so much emphasis on pushing somebody up against a bathroom door. And you definitely would be aware if anything like that had actually happened. “Or is it something more in the realm of like a hypothetical investigation?” It was kind of what she implied, anyway, as if she were trying to gauge the feasibility of something like that happening. “You’re welcome to try, anyway, I’ll help as best as I can” you added with a smile. Worst case scenario you’d be pushed around a little, if she could. Best case scenario, you’d enjoy a good night.


half human
half cosmos

Georgia Darling
aucune suspicion

Georgia Darling

saisons : Hot Girl Summer all the way / 26 ans
occupation : Smut Author Extraordinaire - Julia Quinn si Lord Bridgerton avait des tentacules et une salive aphrodisiaque
myocarde : En rehab après un abus sévère de Men in Finance,Trust Fund, 6'5, blue eyes
miroir : Casino royale ft. Georgia 8898d2641cc3019db974fc175542a4578e5a9619
faciès & artiste : Sabrina Carpenter - etangsnrs qui a tellement de talent que j'ai même pas besoin de voir le visage de mon fc pour que ce soit l'avatar le plus magnifique ever. Talent +1200000
victimes : 498

Casino Royal

❝A Negroni. Sbagliato. With Prosecco in it.❞

6 feet.
Americans, uh. Good thing being silly was part of their charm.
Even better, she was chronically online enough to know, from various reels of men claiming to be 6 feet and more and then refusing to be measured, that it should roughly translate to 1m80.
A standard King.

That’s good to know” Pleased tone, slow steps bringing them closer, until looking up wasn’t enough unless she raised her head.
Quite too close to be proper, tips of their shoes nearly brushing as she presses the fingertips of one hand on his work dress shirt - without pressure, just enough to feel her warmth through the cheap material, a suggestion of a direction more than anything. Gazing up, - up, past the handsome face and pretty hazel eyes where she lingers for a second, up til she can wistfully peek at the bathroom door a few feet behind.
Getting on her tiptoes, hand on him still there for support - distractedly as she’s trying to see above his head: “No. I’ve stopped the whole adultery business.” Although it had been fun - So, if he was 1m80 and she wanted an additional like 40cms for her Eldritch male lead, she would have to add like, what ?Wives kept on being really rude to me and the husbands were gross.” it really was depressing, seeing all those couples breaking up in the ugliest of ways  - Twice her highest pair of heels ? That seemed good -And once something bad happened so I’ve kinda been left out of those ?” And all that gloom was bad for her business anyway, as she kept on writing about sad cheating husbands and wives and forever never happy together - But he was still a bit away from the door so what if her perspective was all wrong ?? -

Heels back on the floor, fingers dragged down with the movement - she made use of the momentum to push a little bit, a teeny tiny something. Rude people would call it backing someone into a corner but she’d never. First of all, it was very demure, very cutesy. Secondly, it was a door, not a corner - get your facts straight. Thirdly, he had a choice ! It was either getting pressed against the door or getting an armful of slightly pushy Gigi - no bad option here, really !
And now, if, once his back hit the unlocked door with a soft thud, she gave it a slight nudge, barely a kick ! so they would both stumble inside - well
Oops.” Honest mistake, she swears.

Oh my, it really felt smaller when it was the two of them.

Space: Snug ? But not bad if in good company. (Need to check some moves)
Sound: The little “click” of the door closing on them felt loud in the quiet.
She wasn't sure how how much of what happened could be heard from the outside. But, now, what she was sure of was that the couple of girls loitering and chattering by the bathroom entry was loud.

She looked up, every bad idea she ever had written plainly on her face - the guilty and yet remorseless mirth in her eyes, always ready to do it for the plot, the teeth worrying her lower lip - trying to contain herself from acting on the impulse, biting back the laugh she felt coming up - Surely, she wouldn't need to see him again, right ?

There was a foolproof way to sound test right now.

The French:

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